Individualized Customized Clothing Display Racks

08 Oct 2019

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the development of the garment industry is becoming more and more challenging. Several years ago, if you opened a clothing store on the roadside to sell fashionable or leisure fashion, you could get large quantities of gold each day. But if we look closely at these shops on the roadside today, we can see that their business is often very cold.

Such a situation often has an inevitable relationship with the display of clothing stores, and the clothing display racks are an important tool!

Therefore, we are demanding more and more clothes on the clothing display racks, not only to show more clothes in limited space and make good use of space, but also to put forward higher requirements for load-bearing. We need to hang more sizes of clothes on the same clothing display rack, so as to improve the trial-wear rate and purchase rate of customers.

Our island clothing display rack is made of metal and plate. High quality stainless steel has no fingerprint titanium gold metal and high quality white sheet. The perfect collocation of color makes people feel not only high-end but also fresh and comfortable.

The side-hanging display rod of island clothing display rack is cuboid shape, which can accommodate and display more clothes to provide customers with a variety of choices. It is easier to meet customers' needs of "try-on as you see", and also highlights the irreplaceable advantages of physical stores.

A metal plate is designed above the side-hanging display pole, which greatly improves the stability and load-bearing capacity of the whole island clothing display rack The logo of the shop can also be printed on the metal plate, so that customers can improve the recognition of the clothing brand while selecting clothes.

Our island clothing display rack is also very flexible. It can be placed on the wall or other fashion display racks. It can also be placed in the center of the store alone. It can also be moved and placed at will according to the display needs of different styles and themes of the shop. Such a island clothing display rack is more suitable for the development of the garment industry!

Individualized Customized Clothing Display Racks

Keywords: clothing display racks

Originally published 08 Oct 2019, updated 08 Oct 2019.

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